Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How JSS Matrix Works


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JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) Simplified

  • 2×2 Matrix program
  • Pay $20 per position (Advertising Package or AdPack)
  • Earn $60 when the position cycles (or the matrix is filled). You can no longer earn this matrix once it is filled.
  • 2-Level referral commissions (Level-1 : $5.00, Level-2 : $2.50)
  • Purchase up to 10 positions
  • You must be an upgraded member in JBP to purchase JSS positions

Note: You receive a free JSS position for every four (4) JSS-Tripler positions that you have. Click here for more information on JSS-Tripler.

How JSS Matrix Works

JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) is a 2×2 matrix.

JustBeenPaid JSS Matrix

  • Each matrix has 6 spots to fill
  • YOU (the position you owned) is at the top of the matrix
  • There are two (2) levels
  • LEVEL-1 has 2 spots (1 and 2)
  • LEVEL-2 has 4 spots (3, 4, 5 and 6) – (There are 2 spots under each of the LEVEL-1 spots)
  • Your JSS position cycles or the matrix is full, when all of the 6 spots are filled, and you earn $60!

How long does each matrix cycles?

(Unfortunately) there is no known definite time-frame to cycle a matrix. However, there are many factors that will help your matrix to cycle quickly including the following, but not limited to:

  • Active referrals. The 1st and every 5th positions of your referrals are used to fill your own matrixes. So, it does help to have referrals. (See JSS FAQ)
  • Matured JSS-Tripler positions. 50% of your new JSS positions generated from your matured JSS-Tripler positions are used to fill your own matrixes. (See JSS-Tripler FAQ)
  • JSS Placement System. Members can buy placements for $5 each. A placement involves buying the $20 position from someone else, so that person’s position will be placed/located in your matrix and help fill your matrix. (The original buyer of the position still owns it. You pay $5 to get it placed in your matrix.)

Types of placements

There are 3 types of placements.

  1. Ordinary – the placement you buy for $5.
  2. Expedited - pay $2.50 to upgrade an Ordinary placement.
  3. Premium - pay $5.00 to upgrade an Ordinary placement.

Members who have bought placements get preferential treatment. Premium placements get top priority; then Expedited placements; then Ordinary placements.

Who can buy and upgrade placements?

Anybody can buy and upgrade placements in your matrix.

  • You buy the placements and you upgrade them (you spend more).
  • Another member (whose position is placed in your matrix) buys the placements and upgrade them (you spend nothing on these placements).
  • You buy the placements, and another member (whose position is placed in your matrix) upgrades them.
  • Another member (whose position is placed in your matrix) buys the placements, and you upgrade them.

One strategy to have your matrix cycled quickly

This strategy is commonly suggested so that your matrix will cycle quickly.

  1. You purchase 2 placements and upgrade them to Premium for your LEVEL-1 spots (1 and 2). You spend $20!
  2. The member whose position is placed in SPOT-1 purchases 2 placements and upgrade them to Premium for your LEVEL-2 spots (3 and 4) – These spots (3 and 4) are also that member’s LEVEL-1 spots (1 and 2)
  3. The member whose position is placed in SPOT-2 purchases 2 placements and upgrade them to Premium for your LEVEL-2 spots (5 and 6) – These spots (5 and 6) are also that member’s LEVEL-1 spots (1 and 2)

As you can see, if every member on the matrix purchase placements for their LEVEL-1 spots and upgrades them to Premium, then matrices will cycle quickly!

If you don’t spend for placements, your referrals are less active and fewer JSS positions generated from your JSS-Tripler positions, then your JSS matrices may take longer to cycle!

As your JSS positions grow, your matrix (may) gets filled even if you don’t purchase placements. In fact, some of my LEVEL-1 spots were filled even if I didn’t purchase any placements.

If you purchase placements and upgrades them, the trade-off is you only get $40 for the JSS position instead of $60, because you spend $20 to purchase those placements. There is a psychological benefit though of seeing your matrix gets filled, which I think makes the amount you spend for placements worthy.

Not a member of the JSS/JSS-Tripler yet? Click here to join and start earning! I will help you promote. I will include your referral link in my personal rotator.

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