Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Strategies To Quickly Cycle Your JSS Matrix


I have been asked many times by other JustBeenPaid members about strategies on how to quickly cycle their JSS Matrices. So, what are some strategies to quickly cycle your JSS Matrix? First of all, if you are not familiar how the JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) Matrix works, I suggest you read first this post, JustBeenPaid: How JSS Matrix Works. This will give you a basic idea about the JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) Matrix. You will also learn about Placements, which are the keys to quickly cycle your JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) Matrices.

We will be working here in an empty matrix. Look at the figure below. Your empty JSS Matrix is indicated by the “YOUR MATRIX” box.

JSS MatrixClick the image to view a large version

Let us recall that Placements are the keys for our JSS matrices to cycle. In fact, if we don’t purchase, it will be very difficult for our JSS matrices to cycle. Worse, they might never cycle at all! Yes, I am NOT kidding. So, our best option is to purchase placements, and listed below are two (2) proven strategies on how we purchase Placements. Currently, spots with Premium Placements are filled in 9-10 days; but this will vary depending on the available JSS Matrix positions to be placed, and spots will Premium Placements. Note: Each Placement costs $5 and a Premium Upgrade of the standard placement also costs $5.

Strategy 1 – Spend $20 on PREMIUM Placements

Here’s a list of what you have to do:

1.) Purchase placements in your LEVEL-1 spots (SPOT-1 and SPOT-2), then upgrade these placements to PREMIUM. In all, you will spend $20.

2.) Once your SPOT-1 is filled (i.e. another JSS Matrix position is placed on that spot. It could be your own JSS Matrix position, or somebody else position), the Full Name and the Email Address of the owner of the JSS position will be listed. You will now contact this member, and ask him to purchase and upgrade to PREMIUM Placements in his LEVEL-1 spots, which are also your LEVEL-2 spots, SPOT-3 and SPOT-4. It depends on you on how to approach him, but the ideal would to tell him the benefits/importance of placements to quickly cycle JSS Matrices. You may refer him to this guide.

3.) You will do the same as STEP-2 when your SPOT-2 is filled. Contact the owner of the JSS position placed in your SPOT-2, and ask him to purchase and upgrade to PREMIUM Placements in his LEVEL-1 spots, which are also your LEVEL-2 spots, SPOT-5 and SPOT-6.

4.) If these members purchase and upgrade placements, your LEVEL-2 spots (their LEVEL-1 spots) have PREMIUM Placements now, which puts in a position to quickly cycle this JSS Matrix.

5.) When your LEVEL-2 spots (their LEVEL-1 spots) are filled, you cycle which earns you a rebate $60. Since you spend $20 for the PREMIUM Placements, your profit for this matrix is $40. Better than not cycling at all.

6.) The other members in your SPOT-1 and SPOT-2 will do the same (STEP-2 and STEP-3 above) in their LEVEL-2 spots.

You might have already noticed, it is therefore necessary to cooperate with other members in the matrix. One thing on this strategy however, is you will be inclined to purchase more placements in your LEVEL-2 spots if the members in your SPOT-1 and SPOT-2 won’t cooperate; if they won’t purchase placements. Remember, you only spent $20 in your LEVEL-1, and there are still 4 spots to fill in your LEVEL-2.

Strategy 2 – Spend $30 on PREMIUM Placements

For this strategy, you will spend more ($30) on PREMIUM Placements; you will earn $10 less compared to Strategy 1. However, I noticed this is the strategy that is commonly used by most members, rather than Stragety 1.

Here’s a list of what you have to do:

1.) First, refer to the image above. If you noticed, your position “YOU” is the SPOT-1 (or SPOT-2 if you are on the right side of the matrix) of your upline’s position “YOUR UPLINE”. Also, your LEVEL-1 spots, SPOT-1 and SPOT-2 are your upline’s LEVEL-2 spots, SPOT-3 and SPOT-4 (or SPOT-5 and SPOT-6 if you are on the right side of the matrix).

2.) Therefore, instead of buying and upgrading to PREMIUM the placements in your LEVEL-1 spots alone, you will share the placements and upgrades to your upline. Take note, if your LEVEL-1 spots are NOT filled, you’re upline won’t cycle. But, since your upline is now closer to cycle his JSS Matrix, he might be willing to share the expenses with you.

3.) If your upline is already familiar with placements, he might contact you and ask you to purchase the placements in your LEVEL-1 spots, SPOT-1 and SPOT-2. Then he, your upline will upgrade those placements to PREMIUM. Or, you purchase the placements, then contact your upline and ask him to upgrade the placements. You will only spend $10 for placements on your LEVEL-1 spots, since your upline will purchase the upgrades. (Or vice-versa, your upline buys the placements, you upgrade them to PREMIUM).

4.) Once your SPOT-1 is filled (i.e. another JSS Matrix position is placed on that spot. It could be your own JSS Matrix position, or somebody else position), the Full Name and the Email Address of the owner of the JSS position will be listed. You will now contact this member, and ask him to purchase placements in his LEVEL-1 spots , which are also your LEVEL-2 spots, SPOT-3 and SPOT-4, and that you will upgrade those placements. It depends on you on how to approach him, but the ideal would to tell him the benefits/importance of placements to quickly cycle JSS Matrices. You may refer him to this guide.

5.) You will do the same as STEP-4 above, once your SPOT-2 is filled.

6.) When your LEVEL-2 spots (their LEVEL-1 spots) are filled, you cycle which earns you a rebate $60. Since you spend $30 for placements, your profit for this matrix is $30. Better than not cycling at all.

7.) The other members in your SPOT-1 and SPOT-2 will do the same (STEP-2 and STEP-3 above) in their LEVEL-2 spots.

Remember that we took an empty matrix to work on. The same strategies can be applied to matrices that are already filled with some positions. In fact, we should work first on matrices that are ALMOST full. An example of an empty JSS matrix that we can see in our JSS backoffice (the JSS Member Area) is shown below, for reference.

JSS Empty MatrixClick the image to view a large version>

Not a member of the JSS/JSS-Tripler yet? Click here to join and start earning! I will help you promote. I will include your referral link in my personal rotator.

How JSS Matrix Works


Click Here And Join for FREE Now!

JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) Simplified

  • 2×2 Matrix program
  • Pay $20 per position (Advertising Package or AdPack)
  • Earn $60 when the position cycles (or the matrix is filled). You can no longer earn this matrix once it is filled.
  • 2-Level referral commissions (Level-1 : $5.00, Level-2 : $2.50)
  • Purchase up to 10 positions
  • You must be an upgraded member in JBP to purchase JSS positions

Note: You receive a free JSS position for every four (4) JSS-Tripler positions that you have. Click here for more information on JSS-Tripler.

How JSS Matrix Works

JustBeenPaid’s Synergy Surf (JSS) is a 2×2 matrix.

JustBeenPaid JSS Matrix

  • Each matrix has 6 spots to fill
  • YOU (the position you owned) is at the top of the matrix
  • There are two (2) levels
  • LEVEL-1 has 2 spots (1 and 2)
  • LEVEL-2 has 4 spots (3, 4, 5 and 6) – (There are 2 spots under each of the LEVEL-1 spots)
  • Your JSS position cycles or the matrix is full, when all of the 6 spots are filled, and you earn $60!

How long does each matrix cycles?

(Unfortunately) there is no known definite time-frame to cycle a matrix. However, there are many factors that will help your matrix to cycle quickly including the following, but not limited to:

  • Active referrals. The 1st and every 5th positions of your referrals are used to fill your own matrixes. So, it does help to have referrals. (See JSS FAQ)
  • Matured JSS-Tripler positions. 50% of your new JSS positions generated from your matured JSS-Tripler positions are used to fill your own matrixes. (See JSS-Tripler FAQ)
  • JSS Placement System. Members can buy placements for $5 each. A placement involves buying the $20 position from someone else, so that person’s position will be placed/located in your matrix and help fill your matrix. (The original buyer of the position still owns it. You pay $5 to get it placed in your matrix.)

Types of placements

There are 3 types of placements.

  1. Ordinary – the placement you buy for $5.
  2. Expedited - pay $2.50 to upgrade an Ordinary placement.
  3. Premium - pay $5.00 to upgrade an Ordinary placement.

Members who have bought placements get preferential treatment. Premium placements get top priority; then Expedited placements; then Ordinary placements.

Who can buy and upgrade placements?

Anybody can buy and upgrade placements in your matrix.

  • You buy the placements and you upgrade them (you spend more).
  • Another member (whose position is placed in your matrix) buys the placements and upgrade them (you spend nothing on these placements).
  • You buy the placements, and another member (whose position is placed in your matrix) upgrades them.
  • Another member (whose position is placed in your matrix) buys the placements, and you upgrade them.

One strategy to have your matrix cycled quickly

This strategy is commonly suggested so that your matrix will cycle quickly.

  1. You purchase 2 placements and upgrade them to Premium for your LEVEL-1 spots (1 and 2). You spend $20!
  2. The member whose position is placed in SPOT-1 purchases 2 placements and upgrade them to Premium for your LEVEL-2 spots (3 and 4) – These spots (3 and 4) are also that member’s LEVEL-1 spots (1 and 2)
  3. The member whose position is placed in SPOT-2 purchases 2 placements and upgrade them to Premium for your LEVEL-2 spots (5 and 6) – These spots (5 and 6) are also that member’s LEVEL-1 spots (1 and 2)

As you can see, if every member on the matrix purchase placements for their LEVEL-1 spots and upgrades them to Premium, then matrices will cycle quickly!

If you don’t spend for placements, your referrals are less active and fewer JSS positions generated from your JSS-Tripler positions, then your JSS matrices may take longer to cycle!

As your JSS positions grow, your matrix (may) gets filled even if you don’t purchase placements. In fact, some of my LEVEL-1 spots were filled even if I didn’t purchase any placements.

If you purchase placements and upgrades them, the trade-off is you only get $40 for the JSS position instead of $60, because you spend $20 to purchase those placements. There is a psychological benefit though of seeing your matrix gets filled, which I think makes the amount you spend for placements worthy.

Not a member of the JSS/JSS-Tripler yet? Click here to join and start earning! I will help you promote. I will include your referral link in my personal rotator.

How To Check Your JSS-Tripler Profit

After join JSS-Tripler and buy JSS-Tripler position, you can check your JSS-Tripler profit / earning like step by step below :

1. Click Here login to member area.

2. Click “JSS Tripler

3. Click “Enter the JSS-Tripler Member Area

4. Click “Financial

5. scroll down

Make Money with JSS-Tripler :


Increase Your JSS-Tripler Earning By Compounding

Compound is re-invest / you can buy a new position with your cash balance in JSS Tripler account. By doing coumpond then the daily profit will increase day after day with very powerful.

What are the advantages of Compounding in JSS-Tripler :

  • Every time your cash balance in JSS-Tripler have been accumulated $10, you can buy new position.
  • No need to wait withdraw from alertpay.

Here’s How to Compound in JSS-Tripler

1. Click Hereto login to member area.

2. Click “JSS Tripler

3. Click “Enter the JSS-Tripler Member Area

4. Click “Financial

5. Scroll down and click “Buy JSS-Tripler Position

6. If you have $100 in your cash balance, then you can buy 10 positions. Type 10 and click “Procedd with My Order

7. Click “Yes Confirm My Purchase

8. Your Payment was successful with compounding

Remember that you’re not required to compound, you are allowed to make withdrawals daily if you wish, however compounding can obviously increase your earnings quickly and easily!

Make Money with JSS-Tripler :


How To Upgrade JSS-Tripler

Just Been Paid upgrade costs $15/3 months ($5/month)

Benefit of upgrade :

Every four JSS-Tripler positions (mature) gets a free JSS position that pays $60 when it cycles

How to Upgrade JSS-Tripler / JustBeenPaid :

1. Login to your JSS-Tripler member area

2. Klik Upgrade Level 1

3. You have 2 option to upgrade, use your AlertPay balance or JSS account balance. In this guide, we upgrade by AlertPay. Click “AlertPay”

4. Click AlertPay

5. Login to your Alertpay account

6. Review and “confirm and proceed

7. Payment successful, and you will be redirect to your JustBeenPaid / JSS-Tripler account

Congrats, your upgrade was successful

Make Money with JSS-Tripler :


How To Withdrawal from JSS-Tripler

You earn 2% profit everyday with JSS-Tripler. You can compound to maximize your JSS-Tripler earning or you can withdrawal when you’ve reached $20 minimum withdrawal amount. Follow these step by step to withdrawal your JSS-Tripler earning to your AlertPay account.

Make sure you have been set your email AlertPay on your Profile

withdrawal JSS-Tripler

A. Transfer Fund From JSS-Tripler Account to Main JSS Account

1. Login to your JSS-Tripler member area

2. Click Financial

3. Click “Proceed to Transfer Funds

4. Click “Start My Withdrawal Request” and enter the amount to transfer to your JSS account. Click the Submit button.
5. . Click the Yes, Process this Transfer! button to confirm.

After you have completed the transfer of your JSS-Tripler funds to your Main JSS account, the operation is to withdraw funds to AlertPay.

B. Withdraw funds from Main JSS Account to AlertPay

6. Login to your JSS member area

7. Click “JSS
8. Click “Click here…
9. Choose “JBP’s Synergy Surf ( JSS )”
10. Click “Enter the JSS member area
11. Click “Financial
12. Scroll down and click “Request withdrawal of Funds
13. Click “Start Withdrawal Request
14. Enter the amount to withdraw. Click the Submit button.
15. Click the Yes, Process My Withdrawal! button to confirm.

16. Your withdrawal request is now being processed.

17. AlertPay will send you a notification once you received the payment!
